



一些树叶在门厅、灰尘的室内植物s, a fingerprint left on the window – it's the little details that determine whether hotel guests feel like they have found a comfortable place to stay. This first impression can unintentionally tarnish how guests see other areas, such as bedrooms and bathroom facilities. Since cleanliness, hygiene and health are currently hot topics, effective cleaning processes are more important than ever in the hotel industry. They are the only way to ensure that hotels create a pleasant, reassuring atmosphere that guests will equate with safety.

Check-in: From the car park to reception, then a comfortable seat

无论是商业旅行者还是假日制造商,往往是抵达时的第一件事就是停车。有许多方法可以从一开始就创造一个愉快的气氛,防止污垢从外面带进。应该使用污垢和灰尘从停车场和门厅中移除推扫地机或者ride-on equipment,取决于它们的大小。我们建议使用无绳叶鼓风机或者leaf vacuum to deal with leaves in autumn – these are easy for users to handle and generate low levels of noise that will not disturb hotel guests. If a business also has green spaces, these should also be maintained regularly by a specialist.

Parking and Entry

地毯和灰尘控制垫是入口通道的频繁功能。如有必要,可以使用它们清洁电动扫帚或者uprightbrush-type vacuum cleaner保持它们刺刺和跨度。当天气变湿时,湿润和干燥的吸尘器也可用于偶尔清洁。酒店往往有面料走道,可以使用直立刷式真空吸尘器保持清洁。Manoeuvrable.洗涤器干燥器是确保高度抛光的石地板保持明亮的理想解决方案。如果可用座椅,应定期用湿布真空或清洗。盆栽植物经常被忽视 - 然而,它们应该经常浇水并用湿润或灰尘收集布擦拭,以消除任何刺激性的灰尘。

Coming In

When it comes to hygiene and preventing the transmission of germs, it is the reception area that plays the most important role. It is sensible to offer guests a sanitising product at the reception counter. Contact surfaces that are touched by multiple people should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. To prevent the Plexiglass panels that have been installed in many places from becoming scratched or cloudy quickly, they should be cleaned with a delicate, freshly washed microfibre cloth and water. If an additional cleaning agent is used, this must not be highly alkaline or acidic. For the hotel staff, the area behind the counter must also be checked for anything that could be relevant during shift changes. For instance, the telephone and desk should be cleaned and disinfected. Alongside these measures, staff should adopt a policy of washing and sanitising their hands before starting a shift, in order to avoid transferring germs to one another.

Checking in


Cleaning Hotel Corridors

根据它们的大小,酒店可以偶尔contain several kilometres of corridors, which are very often furnished with carpets. To save time and effort when cleaning them, we recommend using battery-powered step-on uprightbrush-type vacuum cleaners洗涤器干燥器与门厅中使用的那些可以用于其他地板覆盖物,因为它们适用于这些区域的尺寸和条件。


On staircases, flooring made of fabric, resilient materials or stone can likewise be kept clean with backpack电池供电的真空吸尘器,这对用户舒适。它们的主要优点是没有从绳索跳闸危险,并且来自最后一个或下一个插座的不必要的路线是过去的一件事。最近在市场上推出的替代方案是一个mini scrubber, which enables fast, ergonomic work. Depending on the time of day, if foot traffic is high we recommend cleaning and disinfecting the handrails on staircases regularly.

Cleaning Lifts and Surfaces

由于其狭窄的空间和频繁使用,升降机是一个特别棘手的区域。所有接触表面应每天多次清洁和消毒。可以用一个清洁地毯cordless vacuum cleanerto remove dirt, while other floor coverings can be cleaned quickly and efficiently using large surface wiping machines. If the lift is fitted with glass or mirrors, these surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly with a hand-heldwindow and surface vacuum cleaner。These absorb the water after cleaning, thereby preventing splash water from creating a slip hazard or leaving dirt behind.

Unpacking at last: The hotel room, a home from home

日常维护清洁是在时间压力下进行的 - 因此,确保它是一种系统的过程,这一切都更为重要,这将为酒店客人创造一个令人放心的环境。通常,床是新鲜的,然后清洁卧室和浴室的表面。该过程通常涉及两种技术。首先,彩色方法,有助于员工从一个位置转移细菌:蓝色用于表面,黄色用于浴室设施(洗脸盆和淋浴),红色用于小便池和厕所,绿色用于特殊应用,如消毒。

The second useful working technique is the 16-fold method for sheets, which is much more ergonomic for the hotel staff than carrying around heavy buckets of water. The cleaning cloth is folded in half three times (once downwards and twice to the side) so that there are a total of 16 sides. In one bucket, a precisely defined quantity of folded cloths are soaked with a specified quantity of cleaning agent. They are fully soaked and are then ready for use. Next, the hotel staff wipe each surface with a fresh side. Once all the sides have been used, the employee throws away the cloth and uses a new one. After the surfaces have been cleaned, contact surfaces can be disinfected as well.

The floor covering in hotel rooms is often carpet – it can be cleaned quickly and effectively using anupright brush-type vacuum cleaner。可以使用污渍去除产品除去小污渍。在这里,重要的是从外面到内部工作,以便不扩散污渍。如果房间未被占用几天,则喷雾提取方法也可用于去除污渍。但是,该过程的干燥时间为6至8小时。

Cleaning Hotel Rooms

Relaxing in paradise: A well-manicured spa facility

Spa Floor Cleaning

As wonderful as a trip to the sauna after a long day at work or on holiday is, cleanliness in this high-risk area is even more important. One key aspect to consider is areas where guests go barefoot, where it is essential to prevent the spread of athlete's foot via the floor. By alternately using acidic and alkaline cleaning agents, you remove mineral-based and organic dirt – the basis of life of these unwelcome guests. The only thing to be aware of is that if your floor has joints or tiles that contain cement, these must be rinsed with water before using an acidic detergent. This means the surfaces are saturated with water first and are therefore protected from damage.

酒店使用机械力量compact scrubber driers或者single-disc machines为了保持楼层清洁,避免需要额外的消毒工作。为了达到所需的清洁结果而不会导致任何损坏,最重要的是为机器选择右刷子或垫是最重要的。用粗糙的结构铺有粗糙的瓷砖,特别是使用非常深滚筒刷,而具有更精细结构的瓷砖需要微纤维辊​​。在较小的房间中,带有杯子泡沫喷枪或大表面擦拭机的小型高压清洁剂可用于手动清洁。

深入干净的墙壁或躺椅,asteam cleanermay be the ideal solution, depending on the available space. A combination of lint-free terry cloths and a large floor nozzle enable effective cleaning over larger areas.

Surface Cleaning in Hotels

Not just "done": Achieve outstanding results despite time and cost pressure

This brief overview shows that alongside the obvious, major tasks when it comes to room cleaning, there are many smaller tasks that need to be performed in order to maintain high levels of overall cleanliness and hygiene in hotels. Those who invest in the right cleaning technology and suitable cleaning concepts will relieve their staff of this extra burden and achieve better results in no time at all. In the long term, this is more cost-effective than many established processes and provides hotel owners and operators with what they need most – satisfied guests who will return to their hotel.