
Perfect cleanliness requires more than a mop and an upright vacuum cleaner. As AIDA Cruises, Germany's leading provider of sea cruises, is well aware. As part of a long-term partnership with Kärcher, a detailed and well-thought-out cleaning concept has been developed to take care of everything. Increased mechanisation, the right detergents, and well-trained employees have resulted in quantum leaps in cleaning efficiency and quality. How this concept works in practice can be seen in this glimpse behind the scenes on board the AIDAprima - which came into service in May 2016.


AIDA Cruises relies on a clear cleaning concept and efficient fleet of machines



Cleaning on the AIDA




The extent of the pay-off of targeted mechanisation on board the AIDAprim is evident in the daily maintenance cleaning of the carpeted floors in the 300 m plus of corridors on the cabin’s decks. What used to take up to ten members of staff almost two hours with upright vacuum cleaners, the CV 60/2 battery-operated step-on brush vacuum for carpets gets the job on board done in just ten minutes – and also delivers a significantly better cleaning result. The manoeuvrable machine, that is equipped with two rollers that rotate in opposite directions, is a fixed element of the cleaning fleet on board all AIDA ships. Three machines from this range are deployed on the AIDAprima alone.

旋转刷辊从地毯的纤维抬起污垢,并自动恢复桩。这使得走道快速而优雅地工作。地毯看起来像新的一样好。工作宽度为60厘米,踩踏刷子真空是120厘米机舱走廊的理想选择。以某种方式回到另一种方式 - 工作完成。大约。2.5小时电池寿命最多3,000米2


The manoeuvrable step-on brush vacuum also impresses in regards to interim cleaning of carpets – when used together with the detergent developed by Kärcher with iCapsol technology. The key feature of iCapsol is that it is effective even in small doses: All you need is 60 ml of detergent per litre of water to loosen and then encapsulate the dirt. The encapsulated dirt dries in crystallised form, and so can be removed easily from the carpet.

The high level of effectiveness in a low剂量意味着要清洁的区域只需要制造潮湿,并且不需要被烧焦。鉴于船上的大量公共交通量,巨大的优势。封装在仅30分钟内完成,然后可以毫不费力地吸尘污垢颗粒 - 无论是用手持式刷子真空的真空还是更快的踩踏机器。


除了地毯清洁外,电池供电的踩踏机长期以来一直是坚硬的最爱,用于在甲板和餐厅区内擦洗和吸尘不同的表面。船上的操作员也可以选择使用使用圆盘技术或带有反旋转辊的洗涤器头部配备的Manoeuverable Stup-on Scrubber Driers。虽然滚轮技术适用于结构化表面,如石材摆幅深孔隙清洗,但旋转圆盘刷设计有清洁和抛光光滑表面。

Whatever the technology being used: both machine types, which have virtually the same construction and an identical tank-in-tank system (fresh and dirty water: 50 l each), are characterised by their high degree of efficiency. They scrub and vacuum at the same time. The substantial user benefits are clearly demonstrated by the use of a stand-on scrubber drier for regular cleaning of the Bolidt outside deck. A process that used to require four people to apply detergent, work it in with a single disc machine, rinse manually, and vacuum with a wet-dry vacuum – is today completed by a single operator with his manoeuvrable machine. No one is afraid of big beasts here.

Cleaning on the AIDA

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