



如今,食品远远超过满足我们的基本需求 - 全世界所有人,消费者希望能够在不两次思考食物是安全的。从生长粮食和养殖牲畜到加工,生产过程必须安全,符合严格的卫生要求。但这究竟是什么意思?



and water pipes to be meticulously cleaned and disinfected with hot-water high-pressure cleaners before the animals are allowed in. Both the pens and transport vehicles for pigs are also subject to very high cleaning requirements, including regular disinfection.

Spinach is transported rapidly from the field to the processing facility. It has to go from harvesting to freezing within a few hours, while maintaining high hygiene standards at all times, to ensure that it is still full of vitamins when it reaches the consumer.




First, the production machines are switched off and removable parts are dismantled so that all the contaminated areas can be reached and the machines can be thoroughly cleaned. During the subsequent preliminary cleaning, visible meat residues are removed with clear hot water using a high-pressure cleaner. The facilities and machines are then thoroughly cleaned with special hygienic high-pressure cleaners. They are made of stainless steel and have high-pressure hoses that are resistant to animal fat. Water and a suitable cleaning agent are mixed to form a foam which is applied to production machines, walls, floors and shafts. In contrast to liquid cleaners, the foam adheres much more easily to vertical surfaces and stays on them for longer. After a specified application time, the foam is rinsed off with hot water. The last step is disinfection and subsequent rinsing with clear tap water.

In order to be able to carry out this complex cleaning process efficiently, many slaughterhouses rely on a stationary high-pressure unit with several points of use. Depending on requirements, hot water and chemical dispensing can be used. Steam cleaners with certified disinfection and HACCP approval ensure that areas which are difficult to access, such as joints between tiles, conveyor belts or other parts that come into contact with the product, are cleaned as required. Hot steam can be used to remove stubborn contaminants such as fats, oils or limescale, which are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria, without the need for chemicals.


据传说,斯瓦比亚人在面团中隐藏了Maultasche肉,所以他们可以在借出期间继续吃肉 - 因此幽默的德国名称“Herrgottsbscheißerle”。因此,面团是斯瓦比亚专业的重要组成部分。其生产过程中的主要挑战来自于精细面粉粉尘,这是一种爆炸​​危险,并在机器组件上稳定,降低了他们的使用寿命。

静止,符合atex兼容的提取系统在面团生产中立即绘制面粉粉尘。ATEX指令2014/34 /欧盟(Atmosphères炸药 - 潜在的爆炸性环境)定义了哪种机器可以在存在爆炸风险的区域中使用。此外,还有具有软管的移动吸尘器,耐热高达200°C,用于中间清洁烤箱。








Maultaschen at Kärcher

For chefs of a Swabian family company, the Maultasche is part of the standard repertoire. They are prepared as soup in a broth, with sauteed onions or sliced with egg. The name derives from the Maulbronn monastery. Legend has it that Maultasche originated there when resourceful monks tried to circumvent the rules of Lent and "hid" the meat in spinach and dough. Enjoy your meal!

食品添加剂 食物准备好的菜

三个问题到Steffen Heintel,德国团队领导食品Obersontheim

因为当你因为Karcher做饭和what do you like the best?

自2018年11月1日起,我一直在为Kärcher做饭。我真的很喜欢巴登 - 符腾堡州的原来的区域食物。而且还有国际饭菜,如新鲜制备的锅菜。

What preparation do you prefer for Maultasche (Swabian ravioli)?



Maultaschen are a very popular dish at Kärcher. The preparation ranges from classic, fried with egg through to topped with cheese. There is also a vegetarian variant.

我们经常在德国南部吃武士臣 - 在借出期间特别普遍。关于这个经典菜的起源,特别是一个故事尤其仍然存在:在借出期间,一个僧人提出了用菠菜和意大利面团中的所有其他成分卷起他最喜欢的肉的想法。上帝不可能看到 - 因此名为“Hergottsbscheißerle”(“小神欺骗者”)。

Steffen Heintel, Germany


Three questions to Yong He, Executive Chef at the Kärcher Canteen in Changshu

因为当你因为Karcher做饭和what do you like the best?


Which preparation or recipe of those do you prefer?


Are wontons served in the Kärcher canteen? Is there an event or time of the year where they are eaten traditionally?

In our Kärcher canteen we traditionally serve wontons on two occasions. On February 2nd because that´s "Dragon Heads raising Day". Traditional Chinese people believe that the dragon is an auspicious creature, and the wonton represents the dragon's eyes, so they would eat the wonton to pray for grain harvest and wealth. The other occasion is on August 15th where families gather together to eat wonton to celebrate am family reunion.

World map of dumplings

