Make compost, not waste

A new product for simple and clean composting of kitchen waste has emerged from the Kärcher Innovation Lab. The trick is a clever combination of natural processes and modern technology.

卡莉亚turns organic waste into compost


At first glance, a composter for the kitchen does not have much to do with the other products for which Kärcher is famous. Yet KALEA, the automatic kitchen composter, is the logical answer to a problem that practically everyone is aware of, namely that waste containers can be the source of quite foul smells, particular during warm spells. The regular cleaning of the waste containers is also not a pleasant task. It is inconvenient, and contact with dirt or even mould and vermin can hardly be avoided. This is particularly noticeable in apartment buildings, where many people share waste containers.

但是为什么没有一个完整的思考呢?这是准确的ly what they have done in Kärcher's Innovation Lab. This was possible because in the incubator, which was created around two years ago, they are also looking for solutions beyond the existing product portfolio. Here, Kärcher has created a room in which committed teams of employees are developing innovative business and product ideas in a start-up atmosphere.


There are already various prototypes, and the preparations for launching the product on the market are in full swing. A separate company was created specifically for the marketing of the first mature product from the innovation forge.

The KALEA team

How the Kärcher Innovation Lab works

In interdisciplinary teams, customer problems are examined by employees. By means of continuous project development in accordance with a start-up concept, initial approaches to solutions are devised followed by development into an independent business model. The most promising concepts are then worked on in the Lab until they are ready for the market. Kärcher thus develops – independently of daily business – potential for the future.

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The vision

为什么要在第一次生成废物和污垢时要找清洁解决方案?“我们能够从这个想法开发成品的事实是由于Kärcher创新实验室为我们提供的自由空间,”基督教Gärtner,这是三个Kalea管理董事之一。“从有机废物到堆肥 - 从废物到植物的营养提供商。我们的愿景不仅可以从令人不愉快的有机废物处理的自由处理,还要通过堆肥来转化为积极的东西。随着卡尔的厨房Compostor,我们提供了一个简单,干净,可持续的解决方案,可以在一个人自己的四墙内处理废物。并且通过在48小时内产生自己的堆肥,客户在顶部获得了很大的附加值。“

卡莉亚tests with a converted kitchen machine


"In our search for a better cleaning solution for waste containers, we got to the point where we asked ourselves what customers really want," remembers Gärtner. Therefore not the original question was pursued, but an answer that would not let the problem arise in the first place. "The KALEA kitchen composter is the best and above all holistic answer to the needs and wishes of consumers," says Gärtner.





The new machine combines features and advantages that in sum previously did not exist with other solutions. Operation is child's play, energy consumption is low, and the modern design also means the machine can be placed in the kitchen in an optically appealing way.

Did you know?


If organic waste is disposed of in landfills, the lack of oxygen and the resulting poor decomposition produce methane. Methane is a strong greenhouse gas – on a time scale of 100 years, it warms the earth around 28 times more than carbon dioxide and in 20 years it will be 80 times more harmful. By means of direct composting, KALEA makes the environment-friendly difference.

The KALEA kitchen composter


The KALEA kitchen composter




Innovation at Kärcher

Innovation at Kärcher

As an innovation leader, we set standards in technology, service and design and customer requirements. We are always looking for new ideas.




