
Felipe Valderrama是一个非常繁忙的人。哥伦比亚人为非政府组织基金会的工作,其中包括在其他事情上致力于在哥伦比亚的偏远地区提供清洁水。他是一个让它成为可能的人。



How does a green filter system work?

  1. Waste water from small villages flows into the plant
  2. 在预处理阶段,最初滤出粗颗粒,并且减少了流速。
  3. 在第一阶段分离油和油脂。
  4. 然后水流入充满水葫芦的水容器。
  5. In the shallow and narrow channels, the water flows around the roots of the plants and is cleaned by the bacteria and plants.
  6. The water quality can be checked in a reservoir.
  7. 清洁水流回河流和泻湖。

Cooperation locally

To ensure the sustainable realisation of this green technology, project coordinator Valderrama and his team from the Fundación Humedales work closely together with the communities locally. They are responsible for the construction of the channels and have undertaken to operate the systems for a period of at least eight years.

这一切都始于一个试点项目在哥伦比亚。The first green filter system was commissioned at the end of 2013 in San Miguel de Sema, a community in the Andes with a population of 4,000. The village is located near Lake Fúquene, a freshwater lake, which supplies 200,000 people with drinking water. "The ecological balance of the lake was at risk due to its shallow depth and the waste water from the surrounding communities and livestock farming," explains Valderrama. "Our aim therefore was to improve the sanitary and hygiene situation in the villages around the lake and reduce the pollution of Lake Fúquene at the same time." After successful completion of the pilot project, two further systems followed nearby.


采访MIT Felipe Valderrama

What motivated you to work together with the green filter initiative?

因此,我的动机是作为简单解决方案的促进者,该促进者也在几乎没有资金的地区工作,并且较低的教育程度普遍存在。绿色滤波器系统是一个完美的例子。他们能够实现良好和持久的结果 - 没有巨大的努力。


The main strengths of the systems are their simple realisation and easy operation. This makes them an ideal solution for the treatment of waste water in small villages, where there is a lack of money and technology.

Green filter systems are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to normal purification plants. They are designed according to the principle of bionics. This means that the system intensifies spontaneous biological processes as they occur in natural wetlands. In the process, the organic mass is decomposed, which increases the water quality. Since this is a natural process, there is little for people to do.

Who do you work together with during construction locally?

We work together with the inhabitants of the communities. This is very important to us because as soon as the system is ready to use, there are enough people who are already familiar with it and are able to maintain or supervise maintenance of the system.


With the “Clean Water for the World" initiative in cooperation with the Global Nature Fund, Kärcher has made it possible for numerous small organisations to realise local water pollution control projects. Our organisation Fundación Humedales is supported in Colombia. The project in San Miguel de Sema gave us the opportunity to test and further develop our idea for the first time on a real scale. Four small villages in Colombia are now benefitting from the technology and are all very grateful for the support of the Global Nature Fund and Kärcher.

Felipe Valderrama.



Felipe Valderrama在未来几年内也将仍然是一个繁忙的人,因为下一个系统已经在巴拉圭,尼加拉瓜以及墨西哥和哥伦比亚计划。那些参加的人再包括联邦经济合作与发展部的Kärcher,以及各个国家的五个地方非政府组织。



The Global Nature Fund ist an international environmental and nature foundation. A central project of the foundation is the international "Living Lakes" network established in 1998, which supports the global protection of lakes and wetlands. In 2013, the foundation and Kärcher jointly established the "Clean Water for World" initiative to support the "Living Lakes" environmental protection project.

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Kärcher-Sustainability report

Kärcher supports numerous initiatives across the world. The aim is to make the world more liveable for as many people as possible. For cleaning equipment manufacturers, that primarily means contributing to a clean environment: through the economical use of resources such as raw materials, energy and water as well as challenging cleaning projects as a contribution to the cultural heritage of humanity. Our idea of creating a liveable society also includes helping people who are in need due to natural disasters or personal tragedies. More on the commitment of Kärcher can be found in the sustainability report.